Email effectiveness

Email effectiveness during global pandemic. This is the most effective cold email I’ve received in 2021. This template could be reused at scale. First, she reached and prospected via email, not LinkedIn. 1. Subject line icon; studies consistently show higher...
6sense ABX Roadmap – our hot take

6sense ABX Roadmap – our hot take

TLDR; World according to Jon’s interpretation of the roadmap session and based on our depth of ABX experiences across 6sense platform and others – with its breadth of new capabilities, 6sense appears to be wanting to compete more with ZoomInfo (as a more...

Intent Data – what are the benefits?

What are the business benefits of Intent data?   Improves conversion odds. Intent helps your sales team identify which accounts are more likely to be interested or ‘in market’ vs. others, thus increasing the odds of successful pipeline conversion....

Adobe’s Account Based Marketing Experience (ABX) (Video)

(Full disclosure – we were recently named an Adobe Insider and have been a long standing partner of Marketo, neither of which influence our point of view below.  Our expertise is Account Based Marketing in/around Marketo offer for B2B, so you’ll see that point of view...

Myths of Account Based Marketing

I recently compared notes with Kelvin Gee, Sr. Director of Modern Marketing Business Transformation at Oracle, on myth’s on Account Based Marketing.  Even though Oracle owns Eloqua, his points are quite valid across any size company using any automation platform....

Boston Marketo User Group – June Summary

Here are my notes from the June Boston Marketo User Group.  It’s a terrific user group having attended a few others on the east coast (DC, NYC, ATL), Boston seems to have the lead on making a great user group experience. Thomas Zimmerman, Localytics Compared the...