Intent Data – what are the benefits?

What are the business benefits of Intent data?   Improves conversion odds. Intent helps your sales team identify which accounts are more likely to be interested or ‘in market’ vs. others, thus increasing the odds of successful pipeline conversion....

Myths of Account Based Marketing

I recently compared notes with Kelvin Gee, Sr. Director of Modern Marketing Business Transformation at Oracle, on myth’s on Account Based Marketing.  Even though Oracle owns Eloqua, his points are quite valid across any size company using any automation platform....

Account Based Everything – Podcast

Devon McDonald, a Partner at OpenView Venture Capital spoke with me on a recent podcast on Account Based Marketing best practices.  Our conversation covered areas of how to get even more out of your ABM people, process, & technology investments based on our...

GDPR – Sales & Marketing impact

(Please also consult your internal counsel and data privacy officer for how your company should approach GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)).   While there are several strict laws of data privacy throughout the globe to include countries like Canada,...

2015 Sales & Marketing Predictions: Data Relevance

Michael Dell, the founder of Dell Computers, recently said, ‘Data is the key competitive differentiator in today’s business environment.’  I believe he is right.  Data is the star of the 2015 sales and marketing show; enterprises will generate new business, optimize...

Marketing Automation @BMA

  Here is my hour presentation that I reviewed with 30 others at the New Jersey BMA on Marketing Automation. This video slide deck is condensed down to 4 minutes.  Note the emphasis I put on data – data is at the heart of a successful revenue acquisition...