Here is a detailed guide on thinking about roles and responsibilities for sales ops, marketing ops, and RevOps:


Overall, the key areas that operations roles focus on across sales, marketing, and revenue include data, processes, systems, and deliverables. However, there are some differences in the specifics depending on the role:

Sales Operations Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Manage sales data and reporting to uncover insights and opportunities 1
  • Develop sales plans, forecasts, quotas, and territory alignment 1
  • Design effective sales compensation plans and SPIFFs 1
  • Improve sales productivity through sales enablement, training, and coaching 1
  • Select, implement, and optimize sales technologies and tools (CRM, sales engagement) 2

Marketing Operations Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Collect and analyze campaign and performance data 1
  • Develop marketing plans, budgets, resource allocation 2
  • Manage content production, distribution and performance 3
  • Implement marketing technologies (CRM, MAP, DAM, Marketing Automation) 1
  • Continuously test and optimize programs 2

Revenue Operations Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Align sales, marketing, and customer success teams on unified business goals 13
  • Optimize end-to-end processes for revenue generation 1
  • Consolidate data and systems into unified view 2
  • Provide analytics and insights to guide executive decisions 1
  • Automate manual processes where possible 3

Within revenue operations, some newer best practice frameworks outline core capabilities that good RevOps teams should have in place 4:

  • Planning & Strategy – Goal setting, forecasting, territory design
  • Enablement & Readiness – Training, change management, communications
  • Intelligence – Reporting, analytics, business insights
  • Orchestration – Systems, data, processes, workflows

With the right balance of people, skills and responsibilities across these areas, revenue operations can help drive business growth and performance.

A framework on delineating roles and responsibilities 

Here is a proposed framework outlining the key roles, responsibilities, and focus areas for sales operations, marketing operations, and revenue operations:

│                                   Revenue Operations                  │  
│       Aligns sales, marketing, customer success teams on goals [1][3] │
│            Optimizes end-to-end revenue processes [1][3]              │
│Consolidates data/systems into unified view [2][3] │  
│  Provides analytics and insights to guide decisions [1][2]│
│         Automates manual processes where possible3 │
│                                    |                                    │
│                                    |                                    │ 
│                                    |                                    │
│                                  Sales Ops                             │
│     DATA & REPORTING: Analyze sales data & find insights [1]          │
│      PLANNING: Develop sales plans, forecasts, quotas [1][2]           │ 
│ COMPENSATION: Design sales compensation plans [1][3]                  │
│ PRODUCTIVITY: Improve productivity through enablement [1][2]          │  
│       SYSTEMS: Select, implement sales technologies [2][3]            │
│                                    |                                    │
│                                    |                                    │
│                                    |                                    │  
│                               Marketing Ops                            │
│     DATA & ANALYTICS: Collect and analyze campaign data [1][2]        │
│       PLANNING: Develop marketing plans and budgets [2]               │  
│         CONTENT: Manage content production and use [3]                │ 
│      TECHNOLOGY: Implement marketing technologies [1][3]              │
│     OPTIMIZATION: Continuously test and optimize [2]                  │

In this framework, revenue operations sits at the top aligning sales, marketing, and customer success towards unified business goals. Sales ops and marketing ops have their own focus areas around data, planning, systems, content, and optimization specifically tailored to sales and marketing needs. But all roles ultimately roll up into revenue operations which consolidates data and systems, optimizes end-to-end revenue processes, and provides analytics to guide executive strategy and planning. Core responsibilities are called out for each role across the key areas 13.

This delineates how sales ops, marketing ops, and RevOps overlap in some capacities around data, systems, and planning but have specialized focuses and tasks in their particular domains to ultimately drive higher performance. With clearly defined roles and alignment, organizations can build effective operations capabilities tailored to sales, marketing and overall business revenue.

Here is a detailed guide on how to utilize and implement the framework by role:

For Revenue Operations

Step 1: Review framework and understand key integration points between sales, marketing, and customer success

Step 2: Identify current gaps in data, systems, processes between teams

Step 3: Develop plan to consolidate data sources into unified view

Step 4: Implement RevOps technologies to optimize workflows

Step 5: Set up automated data quality checks and cleansing processes

Step 6: Establish KPI dashboards tailored to each team’s metrics

Step 7: Drive continuous improvement process for systems and data accuracy

For Sales Operations

Step 1: Review framework to understand Sales Ops data and planning needs

Step 2: Conduct audit of current CRM data quality and health

Step 3: Identify data issues – missing fields, inaccuracies, duplicates

Step 4: Implement daily/weekly data checks and cleansing routines

Step 5: Establish data governance protocols for account data entry

Step 6: Set up sales reporting scorecard on CRM adoption and data quality

Step 7: Automate lead scoring rules and data validations in CRM

For Marketing Operations

Step 1: Review framework and understand Marketing Ops tech and analytics focus

Step 2: Identify marketing data sources and health of campaign tracking

Step 3: Set up methods to consolidate and analyze multi-channel campaign data

Step 4: Build campaign data validation checks pre and post-sends

Step 5: Establish process for continually optimizing data collection processes from web, social ads, email campaigns and reporting on insights uncovered from the campaigns

Step 6: Automate campaign data synchronization from apps to central warehouse

Step 7: Provide self-service customized reporting capabilities on campaign metrics to stakeholders