Account-based strategy in sales and marketing is a focused approach that targets key accounts and tailors strategies to the specific needs and characteristics of each account. This method is particularly effective in multi-organizational contexts, where the complexity of relationships and varied business units demand a more nuanced approach than traditional broad-based marketing strategies. An account plan, like the one outlined for XYZ Corporation, a multinational conglomerate with diverse subsidiaries, is crucial in this context.

An account plan should be utilized when dealing with multifaceted organizations, where understanding the unique aspects of each subsidiary can lead to more effective sales and marketing efforts. In the case of XYZ Corporation, which includes units in financial services, technology, manufacturing, retail, and logistics, a detailed understanding of each subsidiary’s revenue, strategic initiatives, and SWOT analysis is imperative. The plan should identify cross-selling opportunities, potential for geographic expansion, and merger and acquisition targets to drive growth.

Such an account plan is not static; it requires regular reviews and updates to reflect changes in the business environment and the organization’s strategic direction. This is achieved through governance models like quarterly leadership meetings and monthly performance reviews, and entity management practices like standardized reporting and compliance processes. By doing so, the plan remains relevant and effective in guiding sales and marketing strategies that are tailored to the unique needs and opportunities of each subsidiary within the conglomerate.


Here is an account plan tailored for a multi-org organization with subsidiaries:




XYZ Corporation is a multinational conglomerate comprising a parent holding company and 7 key subsidiaries.  


Parent Company: Founded in 1925 and headquartered in New York. Key financials:

– Revenue: $18 billion  

– Net Income: $2.1 billion

– Industries: Financial Services, Technology, Manufacturing, Retail



  1. XYZ Financial Services: Major retail and business banking unit across North America.  

    – Revenue: $7 billion

    – Strategic Initiatives: Grow digital banking channels, optimize branch footprint 

    – SWOT: Strong capital position but facing margin pressure    


  1. XYZ Tech Innovations: Main R&D and product arm. Key offerings in cloud, AI, IoT. 

    – Revenue: $3.2 billion 

    – Strategic Initiatives: Invest heavily in AI and Quantum Computing over next 5 years

    – SWOT: Cutting edge innovation but high cash burn  


  1. XYZ Manufacturing: Industrial machinery and automation provider.

    – Revenue: $2.1 billion

    – Strategic Initiatives: Consolidate global supply chain

    – SWOT: Highly optimized ops but tariff exposure 


  1. XYZ Retail: Chain of retail stores selling consumer electronics.  

    – Revenue: $1.8 billion

    – Strategic Initiatives: Enhance ecommerce channel, leverage customer data analytics

    – SWOT: Deep customer insights but online competition rising


  1. XYZ Logistics: Shipping and transportation provider.

    – Revenue: $1.6 billion  

    – Strategic Initiatives: Deploy electric commercial fleet

    – SWOT: Market leader in sustainability but high capex needed


Additional details on key executives, financials, customer base and opportunities per subsidiary provided in appendix.  


Actions to drive growth:

– Cross-selling opportunities: With diverse business units, identify possibilities to cross-sell products and services across subsidiaries. For example, provide commercial banking services to shipping fleet customers.  


– Geographic expansion: Leverage strong North American base for certain subsidiaries (e.g. Tech, Financial Services) to expand into Europe and Asia Pacific.  


– M&A targets: Acquire innovators in key focus areas like AI, clean energy to bolster product portfolio. 


Governance Model for Alignment:


– Quarterly offsite leadership meetings for strategic planning.

– Monthly subsidiary performance reviews.  

– Knowledge sharing forums for best practice dissemination.

– Centralized core business platforms for connectivity.


Entity Management for Oversight:


– Consolidated financial reporting standards.

– Security and access controls standardization. 

– Centralized vendor and spend analytics.

– Shared regulatory and compliance processes.  


Through enhanced alignment, transparency and economies of scale from integrated operations, significant synergies can be achieved across business units while still allowing flexibility to meet local market needs.  

