2013: Great Expectations For Marketing ROI

Here is my brief view of what to expect in 2013. During 2013, organizations will demand significantly more revenue value out of their existing sales and marketing ecosystem investments including CRM, Marketing Automation, and list acquisition purchases.  Non-marketing...

B2B MarTech Marketing Automation

Google acquiring HubSpot, is the rumor true? Smart move if so. HubSpot has been incredibly scrappy – may not be the most scalable, best in class but wow have they been impressive over the years. User interface is second to none. Their financials are stellar,...

What does a Demandbase Consultancy do?

Want to get the most ROI out of your Account Based Marketing Demandbase platform before a business leader asks you about platform ROI? The question isn’t whether you should use Demandbase’s implementation / Customer Service team OR an external marketing consultancy…...

What does a 6sense Consultancy do?

Want to get the most ROI out of your Account Based Marketing 6sense platform before a business leader asks you about platform ROI? The question isn’t whether you should use 6sense’s implementation / Customer Service team OR an external marketing consultancy… the...

Intent Data – what are the benefits?

What are the business benefits of Intent data?   Improves conversion odds. Intent helps your sales team identify which accounts are more likely to be interested or ‘in market’ vs. others, thus increasing the odds of successful pipeline conversion....