Someone recently asked – ‘what advice would you give to others in this strange time?’ Mindset was my response.

The right mindset can help you adapt and protect from physical or mental hardships.  http

Today, many employees and companies are facing unprecedented hardships.  We’re all operating in a very ambiguous environment, where it is unusually challenging to confidentially forecast outcomes we were able to do in the past.

Although my career has more recently spanned high tech CMO for 10 years and current Agency owner, I draw on my early career experience in the military, where that culture was built on a mindset mantra:  ‘Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome’.

Those mindset traits are most needed today by companies and by their people.  Leaders need to encourage their people to stay on the move by taking risks, adapting to the uncomfortable environment, and overcoming the myriad of obstacles that we all face today.  It’s too easy to react or settle in the comfort of the home environment.   If people keep moving forward with decisions, acting rather than reacting, they and their company will come out stronger, with the right market feedback.