This week’s Go-To-Market question:

Anyone ever undertake a full GTM / SFDC overhaul to shift from lead-oriented to ABM workflows? I’ve got a meeting with stakeholder teams this week to discuss the potential value and what would need to be done/what it would mean. Hit me with the good, the bad, and the ugly…

Answer:  basing this off our hundreds of experiences of taking a lead based company and introducing them to an Account Based motion.

The Good:

  • Improved alignment between sales and marketing teams
  • More personalized and targeted approach to high-value accounts
  • Better resource allocation and ROI on marketing efforts
  • Enhanced customer experience throughout the buyer’s journey
  • More accurate reporting and forecasting at the account level

The Bad:

  • Initial time investment for planning and implementation
  • Potential resistance to change from team members used to the lead-based approach
  • Need for retraining staff on new processes and tools
  • Possible temporary disruption to existing workflows during transition

The Ugly:

  • Data migration and cleansing can be complex and time-consuming
  • Risk of losing historical data if not properly managed
  • Potential for confusion and errors during the transition period
  • May require significant changes to existing integrations and customizations

Some key considerations for implementation:

  • Clearly define your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and target accounts
  • Establish new processes for lead routing and account assignment
  • Reconfigure Salesforce objects, fields, and automation to support ABM
  • Implement new ABM-focused metrics and reporting
  • Invest in training and change management to ensure adoption


What else would you add to this list?