The people IN a company are what makes the competitive difference, it is not technology or product. People come from different situations, different cultures, and different points of view – the more diverse viewpoints, the richer the quality of decisions by teams led...
There is a need for B2B Marketing ROI yet we’re still not there. According to Adobe’s 2012 CMO report, fewer than 20% of executive B2B marketers have the ability to measure ROI. SiriusDecisions reported in  their 2012 CMO survey that CMOs number one concern was...
Marketing Operations as a B2B discipline is rapidly growing. As one data point that supports its growth, we had our largest attendance to date for today’s MOCCA meeting in Washington DC with Andrew Gaffney and Amanda Batista of Demand Gen Report covering recent...
For years, I’ve been raving publicly about LinkedIn and was one of the very early adopters in Silicon Valley of this technology. LinkedIn has some compelling newer offers to consider in the B2B segment. Many B2B Marketers have felt a bit burnt by prior years...
Velocidi’s Salon Series, a quarterly series that aims to address the top-of-mind issues for CMOs, included a talk led this week by Margaret Molloy. Our topic was The First 100 Days: Insights and Lessons featuring Maryam Banikarim, CMO of Gannett  Co. Inc. with...
Along with 35 others, I participated in a terrific CMO roundtable hosted by digital agency @Velocidi moderated by @MargaretMolloy in NYC. @JeffreyHayzlett, the recent head of marketing for Kodak and current head of The Hayzlett Group, was our guest speaker for heads...