TLDR; B2B Customer retention is #1 priority. Audit your message cadence and data situation, outline your customer journey, message according to journey, plan for long term. Outsource aspects if needed. Learn more on Friday. For B2B Sales & Marketers, you’ve heard...
In our previous post, I interviewed Tessa Barron who heads marketing for On24 on what she finds helpful for her clients (full disclosure, we’ve done integrations with On24 with our Marketing Automation and ABM clients prior to this interview). Here are...
(post 1 of 2) I just ran a survey recently on marketing demand generation ABM techniques and webinars was the number one tactic across the board for B to B marketers to do. I caught up with Tessa Barron who heads Marketing for On24 and asked her a number of questions....
Very few companies do a pure Account Based strategy, most augment with a lead strategy. When small or large companies do embark on this AB strategy through a Marketing led initiative, Sales and Sales Leaders may have preconceived notions of Marketing behavior or...
Here the latest on how Gartner thinks Marketing budgets are shaping up for 2020. It’s somewhat contradictory – on the heels of budgets not seen since 2011 with flat to declining budgets, the report is also saying Marketers are surprisingly optimistic with...
What are the business benefits of Intent data? Improves conversion odds. Intent helps your sales team identify which accounts are more likely to be interested or ‘in market’ vs. others, thus increasing the odds of successful pipeline conversion....