Today’s MOCCA meeting in Washington DC covered what role marketing operations plays in B2B with a diverse set of companies and vendors in attendance.  We discussed the scope of the marketing operations role, benchmarked data from a variety of analysts, and summarized...
Most organizations have a quantifiable goal toward improving KPIs and analytics on more closed marketing sourced revenue.  An effective method to accomplish conversion improvement is to do a ‘win/loss’ analysis on specific areas of the buying process. One really...
Last week, I facilitated a lively marketing leader panel discussion for Andrew Gaffney’s Content2Conversion event which was an audience of 300 B2B marketers cross industry. Â The event was focused on understanding what types of content buyers were interested in...
For years, I’ve been raving publicly about LinkedIn and was one of the very early adopters in Silicon Valley of this technology. LinkedIn has some compelling newer offers to consider in the B2B segment. Many B2B Marketers have felt a bit burnt by prior years...
Many B2B companies look to improve conversions from lead to revenue and increase the productivity of their direct sales arm. Here are 4 reports that can be run immediately in your CRM that can impact conversion positively without having to invest more money in new...
There are 3 key steps in raising email campaign effectiveness via mobile devices. Mobility is playing an increasingly important role in reaching prospective customers for companies. Â Studies show and my own recent customer data indicate that 9% to 30% of email (not...