As published in DemandGen Reports, May 2017 By Jon Russo, Founder B2B Fusion, @b2bcmo For B2B revenue leaders that are contemplating adoption of the new SiriusDecision’s Demand Unit Waterfall, here are five impact areas on B2B strategies and initiatives to consider:...
In Morgan Stanley’s recent ‘Software Eats the CMO Suite’ survey, the number one business to business challenge for Chief Marketing Officers with their technology purchases is the inability to successfully integrate disparate technologies into a...
At a recent New York City gathering of forty senior B2B marketing executives of the Marketing Operations Cross Company Alliance (MOCCA), the hottest 2016 marketing planning topics were people and investing an incremental dollar in data. People:Â Kathleen Schaub, VP of...
As part of Oracle’s Modern Marketing Experience (#MME16), over 2200 modern marketers listened to CMOs from Clorox, Sears, and Western Union share their data driven transformation journeys. Eric Reynolds, CMO of Clorox commented on his digital transformation on how...
LinkedIn as a company is an innovator jumping into a new marketing automation market, leveraging their recent Bizo acquisition.  This is worthy of study. Here are strengths of the LinkedIn offer relative to that of marketing automation: Their ability to target...
Michael Dell, the founder of Dell Computers, recently said, ‘Data is the key competitive differentiator in today’s business environment.’ I believe he is right. Data is the star of the 2015 sales and marketing show; enterprises will generate new business, optimize...