What Does RACI Stand For?
If you’re ever introducing an Account-Based motion to your organization and it may be additive to your lead base motion, make sure you have some sort of framework for accountability.
It’s called the RACI Model, Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed.
Why this is important is for two reasons:
One, with account-based, there’s a lot of hand offs between marketing, perhaps an SDR function, your partner function and the sales team.
Making sure you have those hand offs at the intersections with responsibilities that are outlined and understood on both sides becomes really important.
The second part is you might have a CS team.
A customer service or a CS team responsible for upsell, cross-sell
Those two are important elements to make sure you identify in a RACI model.
Without a RACI model you have a lot longer lead time to ROI of your ABM platform, and you risk the success of ABM and its adoption.